Filing a Petition for Protection from Abuse (PFA) is an incredibly challenging and emotionally taxing process. It often involves navigating complex legal procedures while also managing the overwhelming stress of an abusive...
Category: Family Law
Defining the Different Types of Child Custody in Pennsylvania
October 29, 2024
Many clients that I meet tell me that they are seeking “full custody” of their children. “Full custody” is not a legal term that is used in Pennsylvania, so it is important for clients to understand the different...
Communication between parents who are co-parenting their children can be difficult and stressful. Fortunately, AppClose, a free co-parenting app that can be downloaded on your phone or tablet, can help parents communicate...
I’ve Been Married For Years, But I’m Not Legally Married: Possible Pitfalls to be Aware of
April 26, 2023

Congratulations! You married the love of your life…but what if you are not legally married according to the Lancaster County Register of Wills & Clerk of Orphans’ Court? In other words, what if the Lancaster County...

The internet provides us with access to infinite information and helps us find answers in nearly every aspect of life. The second our pet starts acting weird, our car engine light goes on, or the toilet doesn’t flush...